This is an email from a gentleman who attended a Great Banquet in the Fall of 2004:


Dana, Reference Matthew 22:1-14....and really dwell on it. The 'Great Banquet' is a periodic event in the Christian community, which I went to over the past weekend. When I got home last night, I was so speechless I couldn't even explain it to my daughters. I'll take a shot....


The 'Great Banquet' is a ministry opportunity for women & men (on separate weekends) to:

bulletshare time with people from many walks-of-life in a relatively small-group setting. I participated last weekend with farmers, business owners, pastors, recovering alcoholics, CPAs, millionaires, bricklayers, folks with major handicaps, people I hadn't seen in 40 years, missionaries, and a brave Apache Indian (off his reservation for the first time!)… people from all kinds of (Christian) denominations, as well as people who had no idea about Christ… some people whose bodies were broken, some with missing teeth, people of different colors… but every one amazingly beautiful!
bulletbe spiritually fed like you (probably) never have before
bullethave every need cared for by others with servant hearts
bulletbe bathed in prayer by more people than you can imagine (hundreds or thousands of people praying for you for months in advance!)
bulletmeet your greatest Friend...or deepen the acquaintance (gave that away, didn't I!)
bulletaccept your human-ness
bulletbe accepted by loving matter what!
bulletmeet everyday people with stories that will blow you away
bulletmeet friends you never knew you had (and some you already know)
bullethear unbelievable stories of lives changed, needs met, and joy found
bulletsee healing
bulletsee pastors in their twilight years 'finally get it'
bulletstart to see with God's eyes
bulletfind out what those closest to you would think of you if you were gone (really amazing)
bulletbe humbled.....REALLY humbled.....
bulletlearn more about love than most of us imagine
bulletbe absolutely blown away by the love of others......just astounded...
bulletexperience a slice of heaven!


I don't do it justice, but doesn't it pique your interest anyway? I'm a man of few words...but it was incredible!! If you're interested in knowing any more, I'd be glad to share with you. If you come to a point you'd like to think about participating, just let me know. No pressure, but what a cool opportunity! I'd be honored to tell you more (oh yeah, participating is at absolutely NO $ COST to you). Apparently quite a few people go along kicking & screaming, but come out totally renewed. I still can't believe it... Tom


[Used with permission]



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